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Vietnam Studies

Agent Orange & Other Military Herbicides

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FWVEH has played an important role in supporting work to develop scientifically sound methods for determining exposure to Agent Orange and other chemical herbicides used during the Vietnam War.  Foundation  webmaster Daniel Kabat, MS, created the Agent Orange Data Warehouse, which includes an on-line tool for determining herbicide exposure in Vietnam.  Visit this page to learn more about military herbicides and the order of battle in Vietnam.


FWVEH has been involved in health studies of Vietnam veterans, primarily members of The American Legion and the Women Vietnam Veterans Memorial Project, carried out by the Stellman research team at Columbia University. Other collaborators include SHARP (Stress, Health, and Aging Research Program) at the VA  Boston Healthcare System, the VA National Center for PTSD, Boston University, University of Connecticut and  Harvard Medical School. 


These studies of thousands of men and women who served in the US Armed Forces during the Vietnam War continue to provide insights into the impact of combat, herbicides, and broader military experiences.

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