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Historical Legacy Programs

The Women's Occupational

Health Resource Center (WOHRC)

Housed at Columbia University and supported, in part, by FWVEH, WOHRC provided education and training to thousands of women workers, employers, policy makers and others, 1979-1987. WOHRC physical files are archived at Harvard University among the papers of its founder Jeanne Mager Stellman. WOHRC publications can be downloaded from Columbia University Academic Commons.

ILO Encyclopaedia of Occupational & Environmental Health & Safety, 4th ed.,
Jeanne Mager Stellman,  Editor-in-Chief

The ILO contracted with the FWVEH, under  direction of Encyclopaedia editor Jeanne Stellman, and with webmaster Daniel Kabat, MS, to develop specifications for an electronic edition that could be updated as new knowledge develops, something not possible with a print version.

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